How to create a MySQL Database?

Before you can use a MySQL database you need to create it and a user to access it. You can do this from your Hosting control panel. When you create a database and username your Hosting control panel automatically prefixes them with your Hosting control panel username. Follow the steps below, replacing "user" with your Hosting control panel username.
  1. Log into your CPanel
  2. On the CPanel homepage, look for the MySQL Databases icon under the Databases tab
  3. Enter the database name in the New Database field
  4. Click Create Database
  5. Under Add New User type the username and a password and click Create User
  6. Under Add User To Database select the username and database and click Submit
  7. Select the permissions you would like to give to that user and click Make Changes
Now use the following details to connect to the database:
Server: localhost
User: user_me
Database: user_db
Password: The password you entered when you created user_me

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