Can I migrate an existing cPanel account from another provider to TheWebsites?

Yes, we can migrate your website from another hosting company, providing that they're using cPanel on their servers as well.
To request the migration, simply sign up for the service that you'd like with us and then login to your account and submit a support ticket to request 'cPanel Migration' with the following information.
OLD IP Address - Migrate From:
Migration Time:
I accept the current account with will be terminated to allow the cPanel migration process to proceed. Terminating the account with will delete ALL data including files, images, databases, email accounts and DNS records.
If you're not sure on any details to input into the fields on the migration request form, please contact your old provider to obtain the details. We won't be able to perform the migration for you if you're missing any details that we've asked for. 
We will then confirm with you once the migration request has been processed.
Please note: 
We can only migrate accounts that are going into the same domain name. That is, if you've got an account for with another provider and you wish to migrate it to your new account of with us, we won't be able to perform the migration for you. You will need to contact your old provider and ask them to modify your primary domain before you submit the migration request.

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