How to create Email accounts?

You can set up as many POP3 email accounts as you require, up to the maximum limit set for your hosting plan. To get started follow the simple instructions below.
  1. Login to your CPanel.
  2. On the CPanel homepage, click Email Accounts icon under the Mail tab.
  3. Type the first part of the email address in the email field and the password in the Password field.
  4. Type the maximum size limit for this mailbox in the Quota field, if required. The size limit is in megabytes. If you don't type in a size limit, your mailbox will only be limited by the available disk space.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Your new account has now been created - please refer to the Set Up your Email and an email client for checking your email.
Webmail Access
You can access your emails from anywhere in the world via your web browser, simply browse to to access your webmail. You can sign in with the full email address (including the, and your email password.

For users:

1. login account manager at
2. click "Email" in the top menu then click "Control Panel"
3. click "Accounts" then fill out the form "Add Email Account", then "Create Account"
4. to access your email:

option 1: open your browser, then enter url http://webmail.yourdomain/ then login with your email credential
option 2: open your browser, then enter url
option 3: at the same page in step 3, click "More" at the right of each email account then choose "Access Webmail"
option 4: at the same page in step 3, click "More" at the right of each email account then choose "Config Email Client", refer to the information to config Mail Client such as Outlook, iOS Mail apps etc.


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