How do I upload my website?

  1. Log into your CPanel.
  2. On the CPanel homepage, look for the File Manager icon and click on it.
  3. When prompted to select the directory to open, select the "Document Root for:" option and select your domain from the drop-down list and then click on "Go".
  4. Your File Manager will now launch in a new window. If you double-click on the "public_html" folder or the "www" folder, it will take you to the root of your public website.
  5. Now that you're in the root of your website, you can upload files directly into the root of your website, by clicking on the "Upload" button at the top of the screen. (Skip to step 7) If you would like to create a subfolder and upload all of your files in that specific folder, click on the "New Folder" button at the top of the screen.
  6. When prompted to enter the "New Folder Name" - enter whatever you'd like and click on "Create New Folder". Now that the folder is created, the window will refresh and you can scroll down and see that your folder was created. Double-click on the folder to open it up.
  7. To upload your files, click on the "Upload" button at the top of the screen. A new window will pop-up allowing you to upload three files. If you need to upload more than three files, click on the "Add Another Upload Box" button and another box will appear. You can continue to click on this until you have enough boxes.
  8. Click on the "Browse" button to find the file that you want to upload. Once you've located the file, select it and click on the "Open" button. The file will begin uploading instantly. Depending on how large the file is, it may be an instant upload or it may take a while. When you're done uploading all of your files, click on the "Back to %DIRECTORY NAME%" link. The window will close.
  9. You should now see all the files that you have uploaded back in the File Manager. Once you confirm this, you can exit the File Manager because your files were successfully uploaded.
Read more: How to Upload Website Content from Cpanel |

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