How can I setup Email on my iPhone with my Web Hosting on cPanel?

This guide explains how to configure your iPhone in order to send and receive mail using your cPanel hosting package as provided by or is used as a guide only, please use your real domain.  There are a number of ways to configure your iPhone, this is one example. Tested on iOS 5/6.
1. Go to the Main Menu and select Settings.
2. Scroll down and select Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
3. Select Add Account...
4. Select Other
5. Select Add Mail Account
Name: Your Name
Password: your email password
Description: Short Description
6. Select which type of email account you want: IMAP, POP
Name: Your Name
Description: Short Description
Incoming Mail Server:
Host Name:
Username: (your complete email address)
Password: yourpassword
Outgoing Mail Server:
Host Name:
User Name (your complete email address)
Password: yourpassword
7. Click Next
If message prompt, click continue.
8. Click Save
9. Get back into the account and scroll to the bottom of that page.
10. Click Outgoing Mail Server - SMTP
11. Click Primary Server - On
12. Check the server port is 465 (or using port 25 if Use SSL: Off)
13. Click Done
14. Get back into the account and scroll to the bottom of that page and click Advanced.
IMAP SETTINGS: Check the server port is 993 (or using port 143 if Use SSL: Off)
POP SETTING: Check the server port is 995 (or using port 110 if Use SSL: Off)
16. Get back into the account and click Done
The email on iphone/ipad should work now, try send a test email.

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